本帖最后由 monashbear 于 2016-11-2 08:35 编辑 - l0 o* q/ G7 R6 ]* p) h1 I
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西大和Fanshawe商科的小伙伴们,期末考试将近,一个月有余吧,你们准备好了吗? 还在为难啃的理论, 生涩的概念,耗时耗力的习题较劲脑子么? No worries, folks! 福利来了, Bear is available right here to assist you to get A+ for your FINAL (本帖长期有效)::
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Bear: -Bachelor of Accounting & Finance Double; -College in Accounting ( 8 month co-op in field) -CFA level 2 candidate; -CSC and Mutual Funds license; - two-year and half tutoring experience; - eight month bookkeeping experience in an local enterprise so far;6 d, L- o. V7 P9 o1 V
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Western MOS Accounting &Finance Key courses MOS 1023A/B: Intro to Accounting & Finance; MOS 2242A/B: Statistics MOS 2310 A/B: Finance MOS 2320 A/B: Marketing MOS 3260A/B: Financial Management for Non-Financial Manager; MOS 3310 A/B: Financial for Management & OrganizationalStudies; MOS 3312 A/B: Derivatives Securities Markets (one of myfavorite) MOS 3316 A/B: Investment Management MOS 3360 A/B Intermediate Accounting I (my babe) MOS 3361 A/B Intermediate Accounting II (my babe) MOS 3362 A/B Intro to Taxation in Canada (one of myfavorite) MOS 3370 A/B Managerial Accounting MOS 4310 A/B Advance Corporate Finance (one of my favorite) 价格:$25/person/hr; OR $40/two/hr
# V' ~) B& w& @+ h3 @4 F8 yFanshawe Accounting Courses Tutoring ACCT-1004: Principle of Accounting I ACCT-1011: Principle of Accounting II ACCT-3036: Intermediate Accounting I ACCT-3037: Intermediate Accounting II FINA-3007: Taxation I FINA-3020 Taxation II 价格:Level one or two, $20/person/hr OR $30/two/hr; Level three or four, $25/person/hr OR $40/two/hr
O7 c0 Y( R* S) {8 i" f A! Z* l另外,还提供考CSC,Mutual Funds, 和CFA考试辅导,资料奉送,欢迎垂询。 (注: 世界上很多事情都是好商量的,对么,  你们懂滴奥。小伙伴们)
( n- e2 x- c2 Y3 f, L( C7 _ jWeChat: zm0662341
1 q, t7 R' @$ f ?1 Y- D4 N2 R
轻松扫一扫,备考无烦恼 |