* z7 i+ e' T( ^. k C% g招 聘 驾 驶 员
- p! B* q* s, V伦敦运输(交通)委员会秉承“安全,准点,便捷“的主旨,致力于发展公交事业,如果你正在寻求一份多元发展的工作——现在就申请加入我们的团队吧!
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在伦敦, 为实现高标准的公共交通,旨在更好地服务乘客,我们的驾驶员承担了重要角色。
3 [: o E0 h, _1 l. ]
0 Y+ C7 t% D0 L2 e9 W4 h: r招聘条件:
-A, B, C, 或D级安省驾照 (B牌或C牌优先)
-Air Brake Endorsement(Z)
-驾驶A, B, C, 或D级车辆具有2000小时以上的驾驶经历
2 |+ }8 C) G1 J0 _
传真: (519)673-3770
# y+ f" s$ f) ~7 e8 W" {
7 I7 I5 \4 G+ x! Q5 q伦敦交通遵从平等。伦敦交通致力于为残疾人提供住宿。如果你需要住宿,我们会尽力满足你的需求,报销应聘过程中产生的住宿费用。
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* K( K/ O. W) R8 C; d4 u3 X( n! y( Z! G, g( U
! U6 S% M9 p3 ]6 g" F/ F; o3 |3 W$ r3 t7 \9 z
# y: }9 ~* g2 W: f$ m+ R& g* NThe London Transit Commission strives to attract,develop, and retain exceptional individuals. If you are looking for an engagedworkplace that fosters diversity and respect – apply to join our team today!
6 [2 F* u1 V2 ^+ Q" t! M
At London Transit, our Operators play an importantrole in helping us achieve the high standards that make our transit system oneof the best in Canada!
7 [9 s3 g5 x/ U* K, h1 |& d* tIf you love driving, have outstanding customer serviceskills, and enjoy working independently, you should consider a career as aTransit Operator.
F. A: ?3 `3 Q V1 C4 J$ ?# U
REQUIREMENTS§ A, B, C, or Dclass Ontario Driver’s License (B or C preferred)
§ Air BrakeEndorsement (Z)
§ Excellentcustomer service and communicationskills
§ Minimum of 2,000hours driving experience with an A, B, C, or D class vehicle
§ Safe drivingrecord with zero point accumulation
§ Grade 12 diplomaor the equivalent
§ Familiarity withthe City of London
§ Available to worka variety of shifts
Z4 m+ {8 e8 n0 {* c7 S1 e$ `4 ~) L; |$ V) R X0 q
HOWTO apply
! h4 [" J* O# T) e# C c& ]3 v
Visit our websitewww.londontransit.ca and follow theCareer link for application instructions, or Contact Drake International: Phone:(519) 433-3151, Fax: (519) 673-3770, Email: LTC@na.drakeintl.com - @ B; b0 J# T
London Transit is an EqualOpportunity Employer.
London Transit is also committed toproviding accommodations for persons with disabilities.
If you require an accommodation, wewill work with you to meet your needs.
Accommodationmay be provided in all partsof the hiring process.
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