' p+ s _- c- ~) o, p) o7 ^; C
看到你的用户名我就笑了,再看你的评论我但笑不语,但我又忍不住可怜你,你这智商就不要说英文了好吧,你中文都说不利索你还瞎比叨啥玩意啊你,脑子不行赶紧吃药别当自己是个人物还破上案了你 " e- ~3 y3 y ~, J& G3 L4 d6 [0 u
) ^) D) `- ]7 {4 ]( H& a9 p" R
What you show us is your freaky face,go and own it,step on your face.) A0 m; h0 t- x1 P. {* [
Oh now you must go to look it up in the dictionary,no worries,go for it,ho ho! , s1 g7 u3 ]* P4 \9 h2 ?+ I6 z